Please note that the information collected is not exhaustive, as the landscape of Polish theatre life is lively, and new opportunities appear frequently. The most interesting or best-known initiatives are presented below.

Information gathered by: Maria Babicka, Joanna Biernacka-Płoska, Jarosław Cymerman, Karolina Dziełak-Żakowska, Monika Krawul, Krystyna Mogilnicka, Kamila Paprocka-Jasińska, Daria Sobik, Magdalena Szwedowska, and Elżbieta Zimna

Where can I find information about contemporary plays in your country?

  • ZAiKS (Stowarzyszenie Autorów i Kompozytorów Scenicznych) / Society of Authors ZAiKS – There is a catalogue of theatrical works available on the ZAiKS website (the database contains 11,991 works) (https://zaiks.org.pl/zaiks-teatr/katalog-utworow-dramatycznych).
  • Dialog, a journal of contemporary drama (https://www.dialog-pismo.pl/) – Its main task is to publish dramatic texts. Since 1956, each issue has included at least one Polish and one foreign play, screenplay, script or text for the stage.
  • ADiT (Agencja Dramatu i Teatru) / The ADiT Agency promotes contemporary drama in Poland and abroad (https://www.adit.art.pl; https://www.adit.art.pl/en/home). The ADiT Agency, founded and run by Elżbieta Manthey, has promoted contemporary dramaturgy in Poland and abroad for many years now. The ADiT collection includes plays by well-known and debuting Polish playwrights, as well as translations of foreign plays, that have been successful in local theatres, or which have been strongly recommended by our translators.
  • Konkurs na Wystawienie Polskiej Sztuki Współczesnej / The National Competition for the Production of a Polish Contemporary Drama Play – A competition organised by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute with the aim of popularising contemporary Polish drama, promoting domestic playwrights, supporting theatres staging Polish drama and adaptations of Polish contemporary literature, and rewarding the most inspiring repertoire in Polish theatre (https://sztukawspolczesna.org/).
  • “Dramatopisanie” – A scholarship programme for playwrights organised by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute that culminates in the publication of a theatre play and provides financial support for the theatre that chooses to produce it (https://www.instytut-teatralny.pl/dzialalnosc/projekty-i-programy/dramatopisanie/).
  • Gdyńska Nagroda Dramaturgiczna / The Gdynia Drama Award – A competition held under the auspices of the City of Gdańsk for best contemporary Polish drama (http://www.gnd.art.pl/; a library of the winning dramas is available on the website: http://www.gnd.art.pl/baza-sztuk/).
  • Nowe Sztuki dla Dzieci i Młodzieży / New Plays for Children and Young People – A competition and series of publications; it is now the only publication in Poland that regularly presents the latest dramatic works for young audiences (https://nowesztuki.pl/; https://nowesztuki.pl/about-us-2/).*

* A report from a survey on the state of drama for children and young people in Poland published in 2022 is available here: https://nowesztuki.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Raport-Zmiana-paradygmatu.pdf.

Where can theatre translators apply for funding and develop their skills?

and many more.

Which agencies represent theatre translators?

Which organisations bring together theatre translators?

The Association is a member of:

– International Federation of Translators (https://en.fit-ift.org/);
– International Association of Conference Interpreters (https://aiic.org/).

Where can I find practical answers to questions about fees, contracts, social security, the status of artists, consultancy services, etc., for theatre translators?

We recommend perusing the extended information on the Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Literatury / Polish Literary Translators Association website, which not only provides information on funding opportunities but also conducts surveys on earning opportunities and publishes their results (e.g., presenting the average market rates, see: https://stl.org.pl/baza-wiedzy/poradnik/), offers options to purchase private medical and life insurance for translators and their families (see: https://stl.org.pl/pakiety-medyczne-oraz-ubezpieczenia-dla-czlonkow-stl-i-ich-rodzin/), and publishes a ‘model’ translation contract covering royalties (see: https://stl.org.pl/baza-wiedzy/umowa-modelowa/).

There is ongoing work on the issue of the official status of artists in Poland; SWPS University has been collecting information, conducting surveys, and publishing reports about artists for a few years now, see the report from 2020 here: https://swps.pl/my-uniwersytet/aktualnosci/nowosci-wydawnicze/22898-policzone-i-policzeni-artystki-i-artysci-w-polsce). The latest survey was completed in May 2024.